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Online Socializing

Cuppa for Connection

We have currently put CFC on pause. If you are interested in attending this program in the future please contact us to register your interest. 
An online program held over ZOOM providing a safe confidential and welcoming space, a window of time to gift yourself, ponder a topic, share an insight or two and enjoy meaningful connection. 

Richmond | Hughenden | Julia Creek | Fortnightly on a Monday | 8pm - 9pm | Online via Zoom

How CFC is structured: at the beginning of the call, we have a few minutes of relaxation, to centre ourselves, shake off the business of the day – then we commence exploring the weekly topic or questions (you will be able to read the theme of the week via email, a few days prior).

Cuppa for Connection’s overarching vision is to provide a space (from the comfort of your home) to feel valued, an opportunity to share your perspective, your unique experiences and come away enriched with other’s insights. There will be ample resources within the closed CFC Facebook group - to enhance the topic and enrich your knowledge. 

Fundamentally it’s your chance to be a part of a positive and supportive setting, to be curious, learn something new about yourself, most importantly a chance to pause, sip a cuppa or your favourite beverage and learn something new.


2/76 Goldring Street Richmond Qld 4822

0488 057 861

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Me and My Mum Hub | Educational programs in Richmond, Hughenden and Julia Creek | Queensland, Australia

Website Design OLYA BLACK

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